The following bills (which may affect long term care providers) were recently introduced in the 82nd Legislative Session:
HB 28: Relating to reimbursement for health care services provided at certain times to persons enrolled in the Medicaid managed care program.
HB 32: Relating to the prohibition of required health insurance coverage.
HB 39: Relating to a court’s authority to order a proposed patient to receive extended outpatient mental health services.
HB 57: Relating to the restoration of the medically needy program under the state Medicaid program.
HB 58: Relating to the period of continuous eligibility for the medical assistance program.
HB 68: Relating to notice concerning the use of criminal history information in an employer’s hiring process.
HB 70: Relating to telemedicine medical services, telehealth services, and home telemonitoring services provided to certain Medicaid recipients.
HB 73: Relating to the dissemination of criminal history record information to state agencies for employment or contracting purposes.
HB 97: Relating to creation of the Health Freedom Act.
HB 118: Relating to requiring the provision of notice by certain hospitals regarding patients’ medical records.