The latest DADS news alerts:
- The QAI unit invites all stakeholders and providers to take a voluntary online survey to help identify resources, train, etc., and to provide daily services and supports, available until October 15, 2010. Contact Katharine McCormick at (512) 438-4541 or
- The jRAVEN was updated to jRAVEN 1.0.1. Please stop using the previous version, updated on October 1. Set-up instructions for Medicaid RUG Groupers and CMI set in jRAVEN can be found at here on the “Set up software” page.
- DADS posted a list of Texas Local Contact Agencies found here.
- The September 2010 issue of the MDS Mentor is available.
- HCSSA provider meetings for Region 3 providers only will be held on October 19, 20, and 21. Click here to register.
- DADS has added the following forms to the DBMD program manual:
1. Decline of Offer for DBMD Program Enrollment (Form 6510)
See these and previous news alerts here.