The following information was obtained from the July 7 issue of the Texas Register:
Adopted Rules
The Texas Board of Nursing adopted amendments to §211.6, relating to Committees of the Board, which, among other things, direct the Board to determine the feasibility of conducting a pilot program to evaluate the efficacy and effect of deferring a final disciplinary action against an individual for minor violations of the Nursing Practice Act and Board rules.
The Board adopts amendments to §213.30, relating to Declaratory Order of Eligibility for Licensure, which, among other things, authorizes an individual to request a “criminal history evaluation letter” from a licensing authority if enrolled or intends to enroll in an educational program that prepares him for initial licensure, or is planning to take an examination for initial licensure, and has reason to believe he’s ineligible for licensure, because of a conviction or a deferred adjudication for a felony or misdemeanor.
Finally, the Board adopted amendments to §217.2, relating to Licensure by Examination for Graduates of Nursing Education Programs Within the United States, its Territories, or Possessions, §217.4, relating to Requirements for Initial Licensure by Examination for Nurses Who Graduate from Nursing Education Programs Outside of United States’ Jurisdiction, and §217.5, relating to Temporary License and Endorsement. An excerpt:
“The Board originally adopted §§217.2(b), 217.4(d), and 217.5(e) to ensure a fair and balanced process for all individuals requiring eligibility determinations from the Board. Since their enactment, these rules have ensured that all eligibility issues are reviewed by the Board through a single, unified process and that all similarly situated individuals are treated equally by the Board. The adopted amendments to §§217.2(b), 217.4(d), and 217.5(e) do not add new requirements to these sections or substantively alter the existing provisions of these sections. Further, the adopted amendments do not alter the Board’s historic interpretation or application of the provisions of these rules. Rather, the Board is adopting amendments to these sections in order to ensure continuing consistency and clarity in the interpretation and application of these rules.”
See the Texas Register for details about each rule change.