DADS released seven new information letters.
Title XIX and Title XX Home Delivered Meals (HDM):
DADS posted budget-based rate negotiation documents and detailed instructions on the HDM provider page at the “FFY 2011 Budget Negotiation” link:
Download the letter for more information.
All Community Services Contractors:
DADS clarified hospice enrollment procedures for Texas Medicaid clients enrolled in the Medicaid Managed Care STAR+PLUS Program. An excerpt:
The enrollment process has been updated to prevent the automatic disenrollment of STAR+PLUS clients when electing hospice services…The procedure for enrolling clients to receive Texas Medicaid hospice services is now the same for all Medicaid clients regardless of their Medicaid coverage. Hospice providers must submit the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) Form 3071, Recipient Election/Cancellation/Discharge Notice, and Form 3074, Physician Certification of Terminal Illness through the Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) web portal in order to initiate enrollment.
HSC and MRA:
DADS clarified the role of the HCS Program provider and the local authority service coordinator regarding access to and coordination of non-HCS resources for an individual who receives HCS Program services. An excerpt:
The local authority service coordinator and the HCS Program provider have the shared responsibility to ensure the coordination and compatibility of HCS Program services with non-HCS Program services (outlined in 40 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 9, Subchapter D §9.174(a)(25) and §9.190(e)(16)).
ICF/MR and TxHmL:
In a June 15, 2010 letter regarding requirements for the FASP Cost Report, DADS listed an incorrect telephone number for ICF/MR Rate Analyst, Ofelia Melendez. The correct number is 512-491-1739. (Letter)
HCS, TxHmL, CLASS, DB/MD, CWP, MRA, State Supported Living Centers, and ICF/MR:
An excerpt of an information letter from Commissioner Chris Traylor endorsing the DADS Supported Employment Initiative:
I am pleased to provide my support for the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) Supported Employment Training and Technical Assistance (Initiative) which was launched in the summer of 2009 for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The Initiative’s elements include:
- an employment webpage for providers and consumers that includes resources on best practices, educational materials and training opportunities;
- an Employment First pilot; and
- regional forums with state and national experts.
The Initiative is consistent with the mission of DADS to work in partnership with consumers, caregivers, service providers and other stakeholders; develop and improve service options that are responsive to individual needs and preferences; and ensure and protect self-determination, consumer rights and safety.
Community Services Program:
Effective October 1, 2010, DADS will release a new version of the MN and LOC Assessment called the MN and LOC 3.0 Assessment. (Letter)
HCS and TxHmL:
DADS will no longer notify program providers of IPC review outcomes by fax or e-mail. Effective July 1, 2010, providers and local authority service coordinators must log into the Client Assignment and REgistration (CARE) system and view CARE screen C62: IPC to review the status of any IPC submitted to PE for review. (Letter)