The following information was obtained from the June 25 issue of the Texas Register:
Public Notices
HHSC has proposed and adopted Medicaid payment rates for contracts not participating in the Attendant Compensation Rate Enhancement (the Enhancement) and the attendant compensation base rate for contracts participating in the Enhancement for non-state operated ICF/MR residential services and day habilitation services.
HHSC also proposed new per diem reimbursement rates for the non-state operated ICF/MR program and Nursing Facility program operated by DADS for Base Rates by RUG (Resource Utilization Group) class. In addition, facilities that verify liability insurance coverage acceptable to HHSC will receive different payment rates per day in addition to the above payment rates based upon the type of liability insurance coverage they maintain.
See the Texas Register for more information about each notice.
HHSC intends to submit amendments to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, to modify reimbursement methodologies based on fee changes to Birthing Center Services.
HHSC proposed to reduce reimbursement rates for the fixed and variable components of the pharmacy dispensing fee are proposed to by one percent. HHSC will also modify reimbursement methodologies for Physicians and Certain Other Practitioners, Ambulance Services, Family Planning Services, Home Health Services, Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment, Case Management for Pregnant Women, Mental Health Rehabilitation Services, and Mental Health Targeted Case Management.
HHSC will submit a new 1915(b) Medicaid waiver application to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, to replace the Disease Management 1915(b) waiver
For details about these three public notices, see the relevant section of the Texas Register.
Adopted Rules
HHSC adopted an amended §354.1231, Benefits and Limitations, which adds language related to hearing aid services for Medicaid clients younger than 21 years of age to the HHSC rule base and removes extraneous language. HHSC also adopted a new Division 35, §355.8660, concerning Renal Dialysis Reimbursement, which explains that the methodology is based on the composite rate reimbursement methodology used by Medicare, with the most recent update to the base rate derived from the Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999.
See the Texas Register for more information.
The Texas Medical Board adopts new §164.6, concerning Required Disclosures on Websites, which provides authority for the Board to adopt rules and bylaws as necessary to govern its own proceeding, perform its duties, regulate the practice of medicine in this state, enforce this subtitle; and establish rules related to licensure.
See the Texas Register for more information.
The Texas Board of Nursing adopted amendments to §221.1 (relating to Definitions) and §221.3 (relating to Education) to “(i) clarify that an applicant for advanced practice licensure must complete a qualifying program of study at the master’s degree level or higher; (ii) replace references to the term ‘specialty’ with references to the term ‘population focus area’; (iii) replace references to the term ‘advanced practice nurse’ with references to the term “advanced practice registered nurse’; and (iv) replace references to the term “authorization” with references to the term ‘licensure.'”
See the Texas Register for more information.