The following information was obtained from the April 30 issue of the Texas Register:
Public Hearings and Notices
On May 12 at 1:30 p.m., HHSC will hold a public hearing to receive comments proposed Medicaid rates changes to Ceravix, special fee review and medical policy changes that are part of the projects known as COR 79 and COR 119, Environmental Lead Investigation, Blood Factor Products Furnishing Fee, Hospital Beds, Cribs and Equipment – Comprehensive Care Program, Substance Use Disorder (Abuse and Dependence), Wearable Cardiac Defibrillator, and Quarterly Medicaid Fee Reviews.
At the same meeting, HHSC will hear comments on current procedure code modifiers. The hearing will take place in the Lone Star Conference Room. Follow this link and scroll down for details about each proposed change.
On May 10, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., HHSC will hold a public hearing on the Draft 2011 – 2015 Coordinated Strategic Plan at Senior Source, 3910 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75219-3204. For additional information, contact Laura Jordan, HHSC, at (512) 424-6946 or via e-mail at
HHSC will hold a similar hearing on May 13, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., at the Navasota Center, 103 Stadium Drive, Navasota, TX 77868. For more information see the relevant section of the Texas Register.
HHSC intends to submit Transmittal Number 10-017, Amendment Number 910, to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, which would direct HHSC to implement a comprehensive Medicaid substance abuse benefit. HHSC also proposes to amend the Medicaid State Plan and the CHIP State Plan to provide federally-matched Medicaid and CHIP coverage, respectively, to qualified aliens under the age of 19 who are otherwise eligible under the state plans, effective May 1, 2010.
See the relevant section of the Texas Register for more information.
Proposed Rules
The Texas Medical Board proposes new rules and amendments to Physician Advertising (“moves new §164.6 moves language from Chapter 174 to Chapter 164 as the section primarily relates to advertising”), Temporary and Limited Licenses (“renames special purpose telemedicine licenses as Out-of-State Telemedicine Licenses and limits the use of this type of license for the interpretation of diagnostic testing and reporting results to a physician fully licensed and located in Texas or for the follow-up of patients where the majority of patient care was rendered in another state”), and Telemedicine (various proposed rules, repeals, and new sections).
See the relevant section of the Texas Register.