DADS released four information letters:
CLASS providers:
On May 15, the Medicaid Eligibility Service Authorization Verification will replace the Individual Plan of Care (IPC) as the official notification that the IPC is approved. An excerpt:
“CLASS providers should access a MESAV within 15 business days, not including a two business-day mailing period, from submission to the CLASS Program in the DADS Provider Services Office. MESAV information can only be requested for three consecutive months when the dates requested are within the service authorization period. For example, if an IPC with an authorization period from March 1, 2010, through February 28, 2011, is submitted to DADS Provider Services on February 16, 2010, a MESAV can be requested on March 1, 2010, for authorization information from March through May 2010. Errors found in the MESAV can be faxed (using current procedures) to PCS for immediate resolution. Changes are made retroactive to the begin date of the approved IPC.”
HCS and TxHmL providers:
DADS will implement dental treatment requisition fees for HCS and TxHmL providers, effective June 1. The maximum amount provided for an individual is $1,000 per IPC. Included in the letter is a table of fees. (Letter)
Adult Foster Care, Assisted Living/Residential Care, and Out-of-Home Respite providers:
DADS is implementing a revised contract bed amendment processes for the increase to add beds that were previously under contract and the decrease of contracted beds through attrition, effective with the information letter’s publication. DADS revised Form 3681-A, Community Services Application-Addendum A, and Form 3254-B, Community Services Contract Assisted Living/Residential Care (AL/RC), Out-of-Home Respite (OHR) and Adult Foster Care (AFC)-Bed Amendment Only. (Letter)
You may download the forms here.
ICFs/MR, CLASS, Deaf Blind/Multiple Disability, TxHmL, and HCS providers:
DADS invited these providers to participate in a voluntary training needs assessment survey for input regarding their training needs and barriers to those needs. (Letter)