DADS released four information letters:
NF Administrators:
DADS Quality Assurance and Improvement unit is conducting the annual Nursing Facility Quality Review evaluations of care delivered to nursing facility residents. DADS has contracted with Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Service Plus Foundation, Inc., to conduct the 2010 evaluations of individuals residing in nursing facilities. (Letter)
DADS clarified the transportation requirements related to Supported Employment in the ICF/MR program. Among other things ICF/MR providers must not charge an individual or require him to spend his own money for items and services that are the program provider’s responsibility, which are included in the ICF/MR Program daily reimbursement rate. (Letter)
Because of changes to the daily nursing facility reimbursement rates, MDCP Individual Plan of Care cost limits were recalculated, and some MDCP participants’ Individual Plans of Care will need to be changed. Providers with affected participants will receive an updated service authorization form and Form 2412. (Letter)
ICF/MR, NF Administrators, and Contractor CEOs:
DADS reminded providers of the deadline to request a review of findings from an Adult Protective Services Mental Health Mental Retardation investigation, which is the 30th calendar day from the day the report was signed and dated by the investigator. (Letter)