DADS released three information letters:
CBA, CBA Assisted Living/Residential Care, CLASS, DAHS, ICF/MR, ICM, HCS, NFs, PHC, RC, and TxHmL providers:
The HHSC Rate Analysis Department has posted mandatory cost reporting and cost report training for 2009 information on its web site. The final session of the 2009 cost report training is scheduled for March 9-10, 2010. Providers must make sure the preparer has completed cost report training. HHSC RAD must receive all 2009 cost reports no later than March 31, 2010. (Letter)
HCS and MRA providers:
DADS proposed rules at 40 TAC Chapter 9, Subchapter D, that will transfer the case management function from HCS Program providers to MRAs as required by the 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act (Article II, Special Provisions, Section 48, Senate Bill 1, 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009). See the proposed rules here.
DADS anticipates that a final version of these rules will be adopted in April or May of 2010 and effective June 1, 2010. (Letter)
DBMD providers:
DADS clarified its expectations regarding DBMD providers’ training responsibilities in the following areas:
Reporting Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation: Program providers are responsible to make sure those receiving DBMD services and the LAR are told at enrollment and every year how to report abuse, neglect, and exploitation, effective March 1.
Annual Provider Selection: Providers must begin completing the DADS Provider Selection Determination Form (Form 1576) with the individual and LAR every year to verify that provider choice is offered, effective March 1.
Medical Transportation: Individuals seeking medical transportation through Medicaid must access non-waiver resources before requesting services through the waiver. Call 1-877-633-8747 for this service.
Billing for Assisted Living and Day Habilitation: “Some individuals in the DBMD waiver receive services in a 24-hour residential setting provided as licensed home health assisted living (service code 19E) or as licensed assisted living (service code 19) and also attend day habilitation (service code 10). In such instances, the provider must bill the assisted living as 18-hour assisted living (service code 19F) on the days in which the program provider is also billing for the individual’s participation in day habilitation (service code 10). Individuals receiving day habilitation are not receiving 24 hour care during the time they are away from the residence. If services are currently on the ISP as 24 hour care, (service code 19E or 19) and the individual is receiving day habilitation (service code 10), the DBMD provider must complete an ISP amendment to place those units under 18-hour assisted living (service code 19F) for those days the individual is receiving day habilitation (service code 10).” (Letter)