The following information was obtained from the December 4 issue of the Texas Register:
Public Notices
HHSC intends to submit amendments, effective January 1, 2010, that will modify the reimbursement methodologies in the Texas Medicaid State Plan as a result of Medicaid fee changes for Physicians and Certain Other Practitioners and Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies. HHSC also will submit amendments, effective February 1, 2010, that will modify the reimbursement methodologies in the Texas Medicaid State Plan as a result of Medicaid fee changes for Physicians and Certain Other Practitioners and Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies.
The differences between the two are the amount of annual aggregate expenditures for federal fiscal year 2010. See the relevant section of the Texas Register for details.
Proposed Rules
The Texas Board of Nursing proposes to amend §213.33, concerning Factors Considered for Imposition of Penalties/Sanctions and/or Fines. An excerpt:
“The Board proposed amendments to §213.33 in the September 11, 2009, issue of the Texas Register (34 TexReg 6255). Based upon comments received, the Board determined that it would reconsider the amendments to §213.33 in a separate rulemaking action in lieu of adopting the amendments as proposed. The Board withdrew the proposed amendments to §213.33 in the November 6, 2009, issue of the Texas Register (34 TexReg 7812).
“The Board is re-proposing amendments to §213.33 in this proposal to address physical and psychological evaluations under the Occupations Code §301.4521, to adopt the Matrix in rule, and to re-designate the subsections of §213.33 for consistency and cohesiveness within the section.”