DADS released one provider and two information letters:
Some ICFs/MR providers have been confused about when to report and investigate suspected client abuse, neglect or exploitation (A/N/E). Continue to report incidents to DADS until June 1, 2010, at which time the Department of Family and Protective Services will take over. (Letter)
DADS issued a letter to CDSAs to give these providers directions for updating CDS employers’ budgets to accommodate the recent rate changes. The following programs received increases to reflect the new minimum wage increase: CBA, CLASS, DBMD, MDCP, and PHC.
Increased rates for physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech, and hearing therapy apply only to the CDS option for CBA and CLASS. DADS will provide specific information about implementation of CDS rate changes in the CARE system for HSC and TxHmL programs in a separate letter. (Letter)
Under-18 individuals who meet requirements for DBMD waiver enrollment are eligible for DBMD programs, effective September 1, 2009. (Letter)