The following information was obtained from the September 4 issue of the Texas Register:
Public Notice
HHSC intents to submit an amendment to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, which would delete the provisions for fiscal accountability for the non-state-operated ICF/MR 2008 cost reporting period, effective September 4, 2009. See the relevant section of the Texas Register for details.
Proposed Rules
The Texas Board of Nursing proposes to amend §211.7, concerning Executive Director, amend and add a new paragraph to §213.32, concerning Practice and Procedure. Among other things, the changes would revise and clarify the amount of administrative fines imposed on an individual in a disciplinary action, and clarify that the Executive Director of the Board is authorized to dispose of certain Chapter 301 and Board policy violations.
The Board also proposes amendments and new paragraphs to §213.32, concerning Schedule of Administrative Fine(s). Among other things, the changes would revise and clarify the amount of administrative fines that may be imposed on an individual in a disciplinary action.
To read about all changes, see the relevant section of the Texas Register.
Adopted Rules
The Texas Medical Board adopted an amendment to Chapter 175, §175.1, concerning Application Fees, §175.2, concerning Registration and Renewal Fees and §175.5, concerning Payment of Fees or Penalties. The changes increase certain application, registration, and renewal fees. For details, see the relevant section of the Texas Register.