The following information was obtained from the January 23 and January 30 issues of the Texas Register:
Public Hearings and Notices
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will hold public hearings on Medicaid payment rates for several programs on February 17, 2009, at 1:30 p.m., in the Lone Star Conference Room of HHSC, Braker Center, Building H, located at 11209 Metric Boulevard, Austin, Texas. Follow this link and scroll down to read each entry.
HHSC announced its intent to submit an amendment to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, which would modify the reimbursement methodology in the plan for ambulance services by allowing cost-based reimbursement to Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services, effective February 1, 2009.
HHSC also intends to submit a request to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to renew the Texas Disease Management program. See the relevant sections of the Texas Register for more information.
Proposed Rules
HHSC has proposed new §354.1060, concerning Definitions, and amendments to §354.1062, concerning Authorized Physician Services of Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 354, Subchapter A, Division 5, relating to Physician and Physician Assistant Services. The proposed changes will define terms, clarify Medicaid billing procedures, and describe other billing circumstances. See the relevant section of the Texas Register for more information.
On behalf of DADS, HHSC proposes to amend §19.2146, concerning termination of provider agreement on the basis of the imposition of enforcement actions three times within an accountability period, in Chapter 19, Nursing Facility Requirements for Licensure and Medicaid Certification. The amendment will update DADS rules so they’re consistent with Senate Bill 1318, 80th Legislature, 2007. HHSC also proposes to repeal §49.43, concerning the expedited payments system, in Chapter 49, Contracting for Community Care Services. For details on both changes, see the relevant sections of the Texas Register.