The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) issued two information letters:
- Compliance with Texas Government Code Section 531.164(h) related to Search for Parent or Guardian of a Child
In a letter to Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Mental Retardation (ICF/MR) and Nursing Facility (NF) Providers, DADS reminded them of the requirements related to Search for Parent or Guardian of a Child. Reference Provider Letter #06-33, dated August 18, 2006, to NFs or to Provider Letter #06-34, dated August 30, 2006, to ICFs/MR of this codified requirement. Download the letter for more information.
- Clarification of Provider Role when Individuals Receiving Waiver Services are Admitted for Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment
In a letter to Home and Community-based Services Providers, Texas Home Living Program Providers, and Mental Retardation Authorities, DADS clarified its expectations regarding a program provider’s responsibilities when an individual receiving waiver services is admitted to a state hospital or other mental health facility for behavior or psychiatric stabilization. Download the letter for more information about these responsibilities.