The following are some filed bills that may interest you:
SB 131 by West (D-Dallas) Requiring that for at least two unannounced inspections each licensing period, DADS would be required to invite someone from the facility’s family council to participate. A family council member would also be required to sit in at the exit conference and receive a copy of deficiencies. The measure also provides for the organization, rights and protection of the council.
SB 199 by Nelson (R-Flower Mound) Adds new Offenses to the list of convictions barring employment at certain facilities serving the elderly or persons with disabilities.
SB 318 by Deuell (R-Greenville) Identical to HB 912, the measure would keep the level of staff rate enhancement at no less than the levels paid during the fiscal year ending August 31, 2007.
SB 344 by Carona (R-Dallas) A TARC bill, identical to HB 404,that provides that in the event inspectors write additional deficiencies following the exit conference, DADS must provide an additional face to face exit conference on the new findings and they cannot satisfy the requirement with a telephone call, a fax or an email.
HB 361 by Pickett (D-El Paso) Relating to listing certain small facilities furnishing care to three or fewer residents.
HB 404 by Davis (R-Houston) A TARC bill, identical to SB 344,that provides that in the event inspectors write additional deficiencies following the exit conference, DADS must provide an additional face to face exit conference on the new findings and they cannot satisfy the requirement with a telephone call, a fax or an email.
HB 446 by Thompson (D-Houston) Relating to the increase of the personal needs allowance for certain Medicaid recipients who are residents of long-term care facilities from $45 to $75.
HB 650 by Rodriguez (D-Austin) Relating to the establishment of a task force to assist certain long-term care facilities in developing the capacity to provide services to individuals with disabilities through community-based arrangements.