We aren’t raised to ever think about aging.
Aging is something we all face but avoid talking about. A Milwaukee-based advertising firm has developed a marketing campaign for aging called “LTC: Let’s Take Care,” designed to “look at an old issue, raise community awareness and more easily identify the area’s long-term care providers so that people know what’s available and plan for that time in life a little bit better.” (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
The article calls the “branding” of long term care daunting, but it really isn’t. The baby boom generation has always had a huge impact on society because of their sheer numbers. Businesses have typically catered to this group.
As more baby boomers approach retirement age, businesses will continue to focus campaigns on this group. They certainly found ways to appeal to boomers during previous life stages – childhood, teenage years, and adulthood — and they will continue to market to boomers during their senior years. The “branding” of long term care isn’t novel; it’s inevitable.