Representatives from 630 long term care providers across the state of New York met today to launch a campaign called PASS: Preserve Access to Senior Services.
The campaign will give a voice to providers who oppose the state’s Medicaid cuts and concerned about the impact cuts could have on long term providers. From the press release:
“New York’s nursing homes are fighting for survival, especially the not-for-profit, mission-driven and public organizations,” said Carl S. Young , president of the New York Association of Homes & Services for the Aging. “Medicaid cuts like those proposed in the state budget threaten quality and access for all New Yorkers — not just Medicaid recipients — who need long term care services.”
“The state Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century is charged with restructuring the hospital and nursing home system,” continued Young. “More indiscriminant Medicaid cuts will derail their efforts to prepare for the future needs of the disabled, chronically ill and elderly. In our view reform means strategic investments, not draconian cuts.”
During their visit to Albany on Legislative Day, NYAHSA members will brief legislators and aides on key issues including the impact of proposed Medicaid cuts, details of proposals to help providers adapt to accommodate the needs of future generations and ways to assist financially distressed nursing homes.
The release was issued by the New York Association of Homes and Services for the Aging. Long term providers across the country are just as concerned about budget cuts, and lawmakers have tough choices to make when deciding what to cut and where to cut.