The American Physical Therapy Association has announced that Medicare therapy services will be subject to two caps. Physical therapy and speech language pathology will have a combined cap of $1,740 and a separate cap for occupational therapy, all effective on January 1, 2006.
Just as Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, doctors, and certain long term care providers have complained about Medicare’s reportedly confusing new prescription drug program, physical therapists have issues with the new caps. From the press release:
“We are very disappointed and disheartened that Medicare beneficiaries will begin the New Year with implementation of a flawed policy that limits access to physical therapy,” said APTA President Ben F Massey, Jr, PT, MA. “But we will not waiver in our commitment to provide the best care for our patients.”
…The therapy cap discriminates against Medicare beneficiaries who are in the most need of physical therapy services,” Massey explained.