Effective May 1, 2016, new ICF/IID employees who will serve on a person’s interdisciplinary team — or otherwise work with a person to carry out the person’s individual program plan — must complete TIC training before working with that person. The new rule, Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, §90.44 Trauma-Informed Care Training, applies to certain employees of ICFs/IID, including certain employees of state supported living centers, who are hired on or after May 1, 2016.
The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) has developed a web-based training course on TIC. The training course teaches principles of TIC and emphasizes the importance of supporting mental wellness in individuals recovering from trauma. The training is available here.
This course requires speakers, headphones, or earbuds to hear the information presented. When employees complete the online training, they will be able to print a certificate of completion. If your facility chooses to use the certificate as proof of completion, the employee must print or save the certificate immediately following completion of the course as it will not be available at a later time. If several employees view and complete the web-based training as a group, DADS accepts in-service sign-in sheets with employee signatures as evidence of compliance with the training requirements. A narrative of each slide is also available in the Resources section of the online training. ICF/IID providers who choose to include the narrative in their new employee training curriculum must not modify the material in any way.
If you have questions about this training, please contact an ICF/IID policy specialist in the Policy, Rules and Curriculum Development unit at (512) 438-3161.
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