The purpose of this letter is to inform Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSAs) that effective September 1, 2014, an individual in the Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP) may also receive employment assistance or supported employment through the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) option. Previously, an individual in the MDCP program could receive only respite and flexible family support through the CDS option. These changes are included in amendments to the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) rules at Title 40 of the Texas
Administrative Code Chapter 41 and Chapter 51.
Prior to authorizing the service, DADS case managers will conduct a Job Interest Assessment with individuals to determine the need for employment services through the MDCP waiver.
Employment Assistance
Employment assistance helps the individual locate competitive employment in the community.
Employment assistance includes:
• identifying an individual’s employment preferences, job skills, and requirements for a work
setting and work conditions;
• locating prospective employers offering employment compatible with an individual’s
identified preferences, skills, and requirements; and
• contacting a prospective employer on behalf of an individual and negotiating the individual’s
CDS employers may not use employment assistance funds for incentive payments, subsidies,or
unrelated vocational training.