— HHSC adopted amendments to §9.553, Definitions; §9.555, Definitions of TxHmL program service components; §9.567, Process for Enrollment; §9.578, Program Provider Certification Principles: Service Delivery; and §9.583, TxHmL program principles for local authorities, in Subchapter N, TxHmL Program, Chapter 9, Intellectual Disability Services–Medicaid State Operating Agency Responsibilities.
— From the news alert page:
Some DADS waiver clients were enrolled in STAR+PLUS or got STAR+PLUS enrollment packets by mistake. HHSC is working to correct this mistake and make sure those affected continue to get services. The agency also will ensure that claims for services are paid correctly. Clients affected by this issue can call 1-800-964-2777 for help.
— The December 2013 issue of The MDS Mentor (PDF) is now available.
— “Rep. Roger W. Williams (R-TX) has introduced a “trusted provider” bill in the House of Representatives. The measure would give Medicare claim review protections for those who pose a lower risk of submitting fraudulent claims.” – McKnight’s
— “Long-term care facility operators shouldn’t leave themselves in the dark when it comes to protecting their data…Losing data in one fell zap just might be the biggest threat facing healthcare organizations today and, ironically, they aren’t taking it seriously enough. This is especially true in the long-term care industry, information technology system, specialists say.” – McKnight’s
— NY providers sue governor. – McKnight’s
— “In a decision that could have national implications, a federal judge in Connecticut temporarily blocked UnitedHealthcare late Thursday from dropping an estimated 2,200 physicians from its Medicare Advantage plan in that state.” – Kaiser