— “A compliance expert cautioned long-term care providers about CMS’ new Fraud Prevention System in a recent McKnight’s Super Tuesday webcast. While technology can catch bad actors, it’s also a crucial way to maintain compliance, advised Alliance Training Center Executive Director Leah Klusch, RN, BSN, FACHCA. She advocated for programs that electronically compare Minimum Data Set and billing data so administrators can catch problems early.” – McKnight’s
— “[Nursing home management] business arrangement violates the federal Nursing Home Reform Act, CANHC argued. The reform act says that every Medicare- or Medicaid-certified nursing facility must be directly overseen by a governing body that appoints an administrator, and the administrator must be ‘directed by and answerable to’ the governing body alone.” – McKnight’s
— CDC report: “The occupancy rate for nursing homes was steady at 82% between 2000 and 2011, according to the most recent national health report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC compiles the annual review to comply with the Public Health Service Act.” – McKnight’s
— “Long-term care providers should be cautious adopters as Medicaid managed care programs grow in scope and number, according to a new report and toolkit from the American Health Care Association…Only 16 states currently have Medicaid managed care in place for long-term services and supports, but this number will increase to 27 as the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented in 2014, the AHCA analysis states” – McKnight’s