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DADS informed providers that some of the Board of Nursing’s rules may be viewed as more restrictive than the federal regulations. An excerpt:
The BON standards are more restrictive than the ICF/IID federal regulations and/or state licensure rules regarding:
• RN assessments for initial or annual staffings;
• RN participation in interdisciplinary team (IDT) meetings that discuss RN assessments or nursing service plans (NSPs);
• quarterly nursing physical examinations;
• LVN clinical supervision;
• nurses training individuals and staff on health-related topics; and
• supervision of self-administration of medication (SAM) training programs.
— MDS Coding Tip: A physician’s order alone is proof only that care or services were ordered, not that a resident received specific care or services.
— DADS will hold two sessions on the overview and philosophy of person-centered thinking in San Antonio on September 12, 2012, from 9-12 p.m. and 5:30-8:30 p.m. See this news alert entry for more information.
— Social Security’s Ticket to Work program will host a webinar on September 12, 2012, at 3 p.m. You may register here.
See the news page for more information about these and other alerts.