Texas Medicaid enrollment interactive. “Use this interactive to compare the number of Texans enrolled in Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the Women’s Health Program. By clicking on the legend, you can remove or add a category from view in order to more clearly compare how enrollment has changed for different groups of people.” – Texas Tribune
Largest insurer in Kansas says no to governor’s Medicaid plan. “In a letter addressed ‘Dear provider,’ Angie Strecker, director of institutional relations for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, said the insurer ‘has decided not to submit a proposal to the state to be a Medicaid contractor.'” – McClatchy
Medicaid overhaul in Louisiana. “The first leg of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s Medicaid overhaul goes live today, with more than 180,000 southeast Louisiana residents, most of them children, being shifted from the state-run insurance program to private insurance networks. Jindal’s signature health care initiative, the Bayou Health rollout involves the south shore of Lake Pontchartrain from St. Bernard Parish to Jefferson Parish, and the north shore parishes of St. Tammany, Washington, Tangipahoa, St. Helena and Livingston.” – NOLA.com
Judge temporarily blocks 10 percent Medi-Cal cuts to providers. “In a 25-page order, the Los Angeles-based judge said she recognized the state’s budget problems but that the cuts raised the risk of ‘irreparable harm in the absence of an injunction.”…Advocacy groups have warned that reducing spending on Medi-Cal would make it more difficult for poor people to get healthcare. James T. Hay, president of the California Medical Assn., one of the organizations that sued the state to block the cut, called the judge’s decision encouraging.” – LA Times