The following information was obtained from the July 1 issue of the Texas Register:
Public Notices and Hearing
HHSC will hold a public hearing on July 28, 2011, at 1:30 p.m., to receive comment on proposed amendments to the administrative rule at Title 1 Texas Administrative Code §355.80521 that governs the payment methodology for Medicaid inpatient hospital reimbursement. The hearing will be held in the Lone Star Conference Room, Braker Center, Building H, located at 11209 Metric Boulevard, Austin.
HHSC intends to submit to CMS a request to renew the Primary Care Case Management waiver program.
HHSC intends to submit Amendment 30 to the Texas State Plan for CHIP, which will allow children of public employees who meet CHIP eligibility requirements to enroll in the program.
HHSC intends to submit transmittal number 11-019 to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, which would add language from the Code of Federal Regulations to the service description for case management services to high risk pregnant women.
HHSC intends to submit transmittal number 11-021 to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, which would amend section 1902(a) of the Act by prohibiting a state from providing any payments for items or services provided under the State Plan or under a waiver to any financial institution or entity located outside of the United States.
Finally, HHSC intends to submit an amendment to the Texas State Plan for Medical Assistance, which would modify the reimbursement methodology in the Texas Medicaid State Plan for Ambulance Services by allowing cost-based reimbursement for all HHSC-approved governmental ambulance service providers.
For more information about the notices and the hearing, see the Texas Register.
Proposed Rules
HHSC proposes to amend §355.503, Reimbursement Methodology for the CBA Waiver, ICM-HCSSA, and AL/RC programs, and §355.507, Reimbursement Methodology for the Medically Dependent Children Program, which would establish the programs’ reimbursement methodologies. An excerpt:
The first change amends §355.503 to delete Integrated Care Management-Home and Community Support Services and Assisted Living/Residential Care from its title. The Integrated Care Management program was discontinued January 31, 2011, and no longer needs to be incorporated in this rule.
The second change amends §355.503 to create two separate attendant services rates: a rate for CBA personal assistance services (PAS) for skilled services; and a rate for CBA PAS for non-skilled services. The CBA PAS for skilled services rate is calculated using the same methodology as the current CBA PAS rate. The rule language is amended to change the name of the reimbursement methodology for CBA PAS to CBA PAS for skilled services. In addition, the amendment will change the name of the non-attendant cost area of this rate to the administration and facility cost area.
HHSC proposes to repeal §370.47, State Kids Insurance Program, which will allow children of state employees who qualify to enroll in CHIP.
HHSC proposes to amend §372.956, concerning the expedited Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program application process; and proposes to repeal Subchapter E, Division 3, which consists of §§372.1201 – 372.1204, concerning finger-imaging requirements, which would remove all references to the finger-imaging requirement for TANF and SNAP households from HHSC’s rule base.
See the Texas Register for more information.
On DADS’ behalf, HHSC proposes to amend §48.6002, concerning CBA definitions, §48.6026, concerning HCSSA provider qualifications, §48.6040, concerning registered nurse delegation of nursing tasks, §48.6050, concerning service array for HCSSA services, and §48.6078, concerning billable units, in Chapter 48, Community Care for Aged and Disabled, Subchapter J, Community Based Alternatives Program.
Among other things, the proposed changes would create two categories of personal assistance services in the CBA Program. For details, see the Texas Register.