The following information was obtained from the June 3 issue of the Texas Register:
Public Notice
DADS releases its RFP for External Evaluation and Advisory Services for State Supported Living Centers operation. Proposal closing date is June 24, 2011. Point of contact:
Abel Martinez, Purchaser
Health and Human Services Commission
Enterprise and Procurement Services
4405 N. Lamar Blvd.
Austin Texas 78756
(512) 206-5524 phone
(512) 206-5552 fax
For details, see the Texas Register.
Proposed Rules
Last October, the Texas Nursing Board amended §217.6 and §217.9 to require individuals who had not practiced nursing in Texas or any other jurisdiction for four or more years to meet additional requirements before reactivating their nursing licenses. In this issue, the board proposes to amend §217.5 (relating to Temporary License and Endorsement), which would clarify and explain existing requirements as they incorporate amendments to §217.9.
The board also proposes to amend §221.6 (relating to Interim Approval), which clarifies that “interim approval” will be granted only to applicants who meet all requirements for permanent licenses, including passing an appropriate advanced practice national certification examination.
See the Texas Register for more information about the board’s proposed changes.