DADS reminded providers about FY 2009 cut-off dates for miscellaneous claims and year-end close-out processing. You may download letters for the following providers:
- ICF/MR Group 5
- ICF/MR Group 6
- HCS and TxHml
- Community Services, Nursing Facility, and Therapy Providers
DADS informed community-based ICF/MR providers of the initiation of adverse actions that may be taken by DADS against providers that don’t comply with the Review of Living Options process, including requirements for planning and documentation. (Letter)
DADS announced that the ICF/MR Provider & Surveyor Conference will be held on November 3 and 4, 2009, in Austin. DADS will offer a Direct Care track again this year. Registration begins September 1, 2009. (Letter)
DADS explained to MRAs, HCS, and TxHmL program providers the process of submitting a Medicaid application or redetermination packet to the Medicaid Eligibility for the Elderly and People with Disabilities section of HHSC on behalf of an individual. (Letter)
DADS informed HCS providers that it will conduct annual unannounced visits to all three-person and four-person HCS residences in which supervised living or residential support is provided. These visits include HCS foster/companion care homes. (Letter)
DADS reminds HCS providers that in order for the DADS Waiver Survey and Certification to conduct annual, unannounced residential visits, HCS Program providers must enter and maintain accurate information in the CARE system. (Letter)
DADS issued a letter to HCS, CDSAs, and MRAs about changes to the HCS program, which include changes to the nursing service component and HCS billing program guidelines. (Letter)
DADS informed CLASS, CMA, and DBMD providers about changes related to an applicant’s or an individual’s request for a fair hearing in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System. (Letter)
DADS encourages PHC providers to continue submitting Form 2101, Authorization for Community Care Services, with Form 3052, Practitioner’s Statement of Medical Need. (Letter)
DADS provided CARE instructions for TxHmL providers. The user guide has been updated to reflect the changes. (Letter)
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is collecting information on evacuation plans for facilities located along the Texas coast. The department asks nursing and assisted living facilities in the following counties to fill out this survey: Aransas, Brazoria, Brooks, Calhoun, Cameron, Chambers, Ft. Bend, Galveston, Harris, Hidalgo, Jackson, Jefferson, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, Liberty, Matagorda, Nueces, Orange, Refugio, San Patricio, Victoria, Wharton, and Willacy. (Letter)