The following information was obtained from the January 4 edition of the Texas Register:
Public Notice
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has issued notice of a contract awarded to Public Strategies, Inc. The contract was executed on December 12, 2007, and will expire on August 31, 2008, unless extended or terminated sooner by the parties. The value of the contract is $2,650,000. See the relevant section of the Texas Register for more information.
Adopted Rules
HHSC has adopted the repeal and replacement of §351.3, Purpose, Task, and Duration of Advisory Committees. The former section had outdated language. The new section lists the advisory committees and complies with the requirements set out in the Government Code, §2110.005, Agency-Developed Statement of Purpose and Tasks; Reporting Requirements and §2110.008, Duration of Advisory Committees.
See the relevant section of the Texas Register for more information.
The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) has adopted several amendments relating to Witness Fees and Expenses, Vocational Nursing Education, Professional Nursing Education, Continuing Education, and Advanced Practice Nurse Education. To read about the amendments, follow this link and scroll down for each entry.