By Jerri Lynn Ward, J.D., Garlo Ward P.C.
Applies to all certified nursing facilities
Starting January 1, 2003 , all Medicare and Medicaid certified facilities will be required to post the number of licensed and unlicensed nursing staff directly responsible for resident care. This must be done on a daily basis for each shift, and must be displayed in a clearly visible location where residents, staff and visitors may view it.
Which employees are considered licensed and unlicensed nursing staff?
According to CMS provider letter S&C-03-03, licensed nursing staff includes registered nurses, and licensed practical nurses, while unlicensed nursing staff includes nurses aides.
Is there a specific manner in which the notice must be presented?
No, not at this time. However, CMS is developing guidelines to specify a “uniform manner” in which the information must be presented.
If you have any further questions, you may contact Sandy Lyons , RNC, Professional Services, Long Term Care-Regulatory, at (512) 438-4122, or the attorneys at Garlo Ward .
For more information on this subject, contact Jerri Lynn Ward with your specific question(s).
All information in this article is informational only and is not legal advice. Should you have any questions or a situation requiring advice, please contact an attorney.
Copyright 2004 by Garlo Ward, P.C., all rights reserved
Austin, Texas 78752-3714 USA
Telephone: 512-302-1103
Facsimilie: 512-302-3256