By Dana Stripling, JD, Garlo Ward, P.C. www.garloward.com
Posted Monday, April 4, 2005
A practice first contemplated by Benjamin Franklin, Daylight Saving Time returns a week from Sunday on April 3rd. Unless you live in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, most of the Eastern Time Zone portion of the State of Indiana, or the state of Arizona (except for the Navajo Indian Reservation), all clocks should be moved ahead one hour at 2:00 a.m. Non-exempt overnight employees will work only seven hours. If you pay them for a standard eight-hour shift anyway, which is common, do not include the extra one-hour pay when calculating overtime compensation. The extra hour is not time “actually worked” and, thus, is not included when figuring the total time worked.
All information in this article is informational only and is not legal advice. Should you have any questions or a situation requiring advice, please contact an attorney.
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