By Jerri Lynn Ward, J.D., Garlo Ward P.C.
Posted March 5, 2004
TDHS Surveyor Becomes Image Consultant (Contributed by Rose Ireland from TAHSA)
A facility in West Texas was cited after a surveyor became concerned because a resident’s hair had not been blow-dried and was towel dried and drying naturally. The resident’s hair was permed-and as most people know, modern permanent’s are not supposed to be blow dried for the first forty-eight hours and even after that are generally allowed to dry naturally with frequent fluffing. Despite the fact that there is no regulation requiring that a resident’s hair be blow-dried, the surveyor, who apparently has not had a permanent since 1959, decided that that resident’s and all others’ hair had be blow-dried. After the resident’s perm was blow-dried she spent the few days until her next shampoo looking as if she had stuck her finger in a light socket.
Have You Worked on Your Supernatural Powers of Raising the Dead Lately? (Contributed by Rose Ireland from TAHSA)
Several years ago, a facility in East Texas was cited for failing to initiate CPR. The statement of deficiencies actually read: “Nurse failed to initiate CPR and the resident had dependent lividity.” That deficiency narrowly missed being read aloud in the house chambers last session.
You Might Also Need to Learn to Levitate Physical Objects
In 2003, a facility in South Texas was cited for infection control. A few residents contracted the flu and the facility took precautions to prevent it from spreading. The facility was cited because nurses were putting blood pressure cuffs onto over-bed tables without setting them on a barrier to prevent contact with the actual table. (Even though the tables had nothing wet on them) The surveyors apparently forgot that blood pressure cuffs are actually put on and come into contact with residents who may be sick.
All information in this article is informational only and is not legal advice. Should you have any questions or a situation requiring advice, please contact an attorney.
Copyright 2004 by Garlo Ward, P.C., all rights reserved.
Austin, Texas 78752-3714 USA
Telephone: 512-302-1103
Facsimilie: 512-302-3256